Wed Physical Day



The information contained in this book should not be considered medical advice.  Consult your physician and or health care provider before starting any fitness program to determine what is right for you.  Do not disregard, avoid and or delay obtaining medical advice because of anything you read in this book.  Additionally, be sure to stretch and warm up your muscles thoroughly before participating in strenuous exercise.  Above all, listen to your body and use common sense!!  If something doesn’t feel right, investigate & fix it.


Physical Growth

How can I find at least 20 minutes to do at least some exercising today?


As a bear minimum, how can I train hard enough, effectively enough, intensely enough, long enough, etc. to become one of the greatest athletic icons in the history of the civilization?


How much better do I feel about myself when I exercise each day?  How much time do I spend feeling guilty and or sorry for myself when I fail to exercise?


What is my optimal amount of time to exercise each day?  Do I need to invest more or less time exercising than I did last week?  Should I stop doing something so I have more time?  If so, what?


When was the last time I had a great workout?  How awesome did it feel?  How amazing did it feel to experience the increased rate of blood pumping through my muscles and my body?  How great does it feel to live guilt free?  How amazing do I feel when I find time to exercise?  How amazing do I feel when I follow through?

Designing my ideal body and workout

What does my ideal body look like? How big?  How strong?  How fast?  What percent fat? 


Can I find a picture of someone my age, my height, my body type, etc. who has achieved my ideal body without taking steroids and or growth hormone, etc.?  How can I keep the picture of my ideal body in front of myself more?


What will my ideal body look like 20 years from now?  30 years from now?  What can I do now to improve the way I’ll look / how my body will function 30 years from now?


How can I improve my workout program today?  Tomorrow?  Next Week?


Have I charted my actions/ progress from last week / year?  What obvious lessons do I see?  How can I make this charting process easier?


Have I celebrated my successes / actions from last week / month?  Should I be punished?  How can I reward myself more (or at least be more proud of myself) when I do follow through?  How can I reward myself in a way that serves my goals more? 


How can I reframe the hardest exercises and better reward myself for following through on them?


How can I lift more weight?  How can I do more reps?  How can I do more sets? 


Am I spending enough time warming up and or stretching?  How can I fix this?


If I tried doing less sets, could I be more focused?  On the other hand, if I have been doing low sets / low reps is it time to start doing more reps / sets?  (If I am doing low reps and low sets, am I sure to stretch and warm up- especially if I’m getting older?)


Should I decrease my time in between sets?  Conversely, is it time that I increase the amount of time in between sets for a while? 


What actions can I take that will do the most to help me move closer to my biggest physical goals? 


How can I run faster? How can I run longer? How can I bike farther?  How can I improve my lung capacity? 


How can I learn more about and then use better form?  How can I get more out of each rep?


What are my favorite exercises?  What exercises give me the best pump?  What exercises are most effective for me?  What are my favorite exercises to develop my: legs, chest, back, biceps, triceps, abs, shoulders, calves?


Is it time to try new exercises?  What exercises have I seen that I would like to try?  What exercises have I tried recently?  What were the effects?


How can I improve my body’s symmetry?  Proportions?


Physiological Growth / Renewal Breathing, food, water, sleep, homeostasis, excretion, homeostasis 

What superhero would I most like to look like?  How exciting does it feel to realize I could be training to have the body of a superhero?   


In his book Towards a Psychology of Being Dr. Maslow said, “The man or woman who hasn’t conquered withstood or overcome continues to feel doubtful that he or she can.”  It’s also been said that sometimes “the best defense is a good offense”.  With this in mind, how can I overcome homeostasis and continually move forward on my goals?  Said differently, dieting is often boring, but conquering the world of fitness (at whatever limited capacity I have) is much more exciting!!  Even if I never compete against anyone else, I’m often much more excited to at least pretend my diet and workout program is helping me move toward amazing goals.  How can I do a better job of seeing myself as “moving forward on my goals”? 


How can I do a better job of letting the child part of my brain play with the goal and get excited about moving toward an amazing fantasy- rather than simply moving away from painful goals? 


How can I naturally feel more energized today than I did yesterday?  Who do I know that has a lot of energy?  What could I learn from this person? (Obviously drugs and chemicals can lead to diseases so they are counterproductive to health & fitness.)  Are there things I can learn from people who have naturally achieved / maintained amazing energy levels?   


How much sleep did I get last night?  How about last week?  How did that affect me?


What steps can I take today so that I will feel more renewed & refreshed tomorrow?  Should I adjust my diet?  Should I adjust my schedule so that I sleep more?  If so, how should I adjust it?  What activities should I eliminate so I have more time to sleep?


Why do I have so much energy today?  Or, can I remember a specific time when I had a tremendous amount of energy?  What did I do differently?  How can I reproduce it?


How can I organize my time so that I have more of it to relax and recover tonight?


How can I organize my life so I have more time for re-creation?


Is my diet working for me? How can I improve the quality of my diet, program, and life today?


How can I remember to take my vitamins today?  How can I improve the quality of foods that I eat today?


What does my grocery cart look like?  What foods are in my refrigerator?  What foods are in my cupboards?  What foods should be there?  If I paid an expensive nutritionist to examine the food in my house, what would this person say?  If I followed a fitness model around the grocery store, what foods would I see in her/his cart? 


If someone paid me $1 million to write a book about nutrition, could I "figure out how to diet”?  What would I say?  Am I currently following this advice?


How can I improve the quality of air that I breathe today?  Would I feel better if I simply took some time to breathe more deeply?


How can I improve the quality of water that I drink today? How can I drink more water today?




Advertisers often try to use sex to get us to buy products.  How can I take control of this in my own life?  What irrational decisions I have I made in the past that I should stop repeating?    


Can I think of a commercial I saw where advertisers attempted to use sex to sell a product?  What did the advertisers do specifically?  How can I use this knowledge in my own life?  How can I use sex to “sell” myself something that I want?  Or, how can I use sex to sell myself something that is good for me?


What are 10 ways that I haven’t recently though of, that sticking with my goals will make me appear sexier to others? How will the process of sticking with my goals make me feel sexier?


How can I make the process of sticking with my goals appear sexier?


How can I translate the amazing feeling of following through on my resolutions into words I could share with a child?

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