Fri Social Day


Who are the most important people in my life?


How can I better communicate to these people how important they are to me?



How can I be more patient with them?


How can I be more supportive of these people?

Who would I like to be friends with?


What is it about this person that makes me desire to be friends with him / her?


How can I develop more of this quality in myself?


Is it worth it for me to spend more time with my family?  If so, how can I spend more time with my family?


How can I have more fun when I spend time with my friends and family?


Contribution / Respect of others, respect by others


It has been said that if you want something you should give it.  If you want respect you should give it.  If you want love you should give it.  How do I feel about these words?  How can I give more of the emotions that I want to receive?


How can I improve my contribution to the world?


How can I contribute more to the world today?


How can I improve the quality of my contribution?


Who do I respect in the world? What do I respect about this person / people?


From Dale Carnegie

How can I do less criticizing, condemning / complaining?


How can I give more honest and sincere appreciation? 


How can I do a better job of arousing eager wants in other people? 


How can I be more genuinely interested in others?


How can I smile more? 


How can I do a better job remembering people’s names? 


How can I be a better listener?  How can I encourage others to talk more about themselves?


How can I do a better job of talking in terms of other people’s interests? 


How can I make other feel more important and do it more sincerely?


When was the last time I ever saw anyone win an argument?  Did the other side ever really acknowledge the defeat?  How can I do a better job of avoiding arguments? 


How can I show more respect for other people’s opinions? 


How can I stop saying, “Your are wrong” in words, looks, expressions, tones, and every other way that things can be communicated?


Do I admit when I am wrong?  How could I do it faster and more emphatically?


How can I be friendlier to people than I was yesterday?


How can I do a better job of getting other people saying yes, yes?


How can I let other people talk more?


How can I let other people take more credit for ideas?


How can I do a better job of honestly seeing things from the other person’s point of view?


How can I be more sympathetic with other people’s ideas and desires?


How can I do a better job of dramatizing my ideas?


How can I do a better job of challenging people?


How can I do a better job of calling attention to other people’s mistakes indirectly rather than causing them to “lose face”?


How can I show more praise and appreciation?


Do I remember to talk about my own mistakes before criticizing other people?  How can I get better at it? 


How can I do a better job of asking questions instead of giving direct orders?


How can I do a better job of letting others “save face”?  


How can I do a better job of praising the slightest improvement, praising every improvement, and being “hearty in my approbation and lavish in my praise”?


How can I do a better job of giving the other person a fine reputation to live up to?


How can I do a better job of using encouragement and making faults seem easy to correct?


How can I make other people happier about doing the things I (would) suggest (if I really was the smartest person in the world)?  

While this might at first glance seem like a manipulative trick to take advantage of others, it’s really the essence of How to Win Friends and Influence People; adopt a new outlook on life whereby you admit when you are wrong, appreciate the positive things that others do, and then work together to find the optimal solution to a problem; and let the other person take credit for it.  

In other words, “it is amazing what we can accomplish when we don’t worry about who gets the credit.”

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